Eco Friendly Materials

/Eco Friendly Materials

This is everything related to Eco Materials in use for making fitted furniture.

    Milo with Stefan Lubo

    Original Text: "#wheresMilo is with @stefanlubo the great photographer who took pictures of Milo for my first brochure. #recut Stefan has a fascinating history, his family tree goes back over 600 years in Poland. Look out for the blog post I will write about him soon. Tristan Titeux" Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux is a great person to be with, he

      Milo with Wastewatch

      Original text: "#wheresMilo is visiting @waste_watch to talk about The ReCut series of furniture and getting kids involved." (The ReCut series is now called the Milo series) Wastewatch is a charity dedicated to reducing waste in the UK. I visited them with Milo to do a presentation about Milo and waste, and hopefully get Wastewatch to integrate Milo in

        Ecopalm coconut palm wood.

        Last week I met Ecopalm at the Surface Design Show in Islington, They make floorboards from coconut palm trees, the wood comes from the actual trunk and is just cut straight into planks of solid palm wood. It could also be used for cladding walls and making furniture.       This sample is cut

          “Flexi Straw” experimental Eco Fitted Furniture made of Straw.

          It is not every day that you see fitted furniture made of Straw. In reality, it is likely you have never heard of fitted furniture made of straw, let alone seen any. I never saw or heard of one until I designed Flexi Straw for my company, Custom Carpentry in the UK. You might think

            Reystone laminate board by Dekodur

            What is it? Reystone (Re-Y-Stone) is a bio composite eco material board made from plant based materials, no petrol. It comes in various thickness's  up to 3mm thick boards can be glued to boards such as MDF, chipboard, plywood and other such boards to make furniture or decorative panels for example. The 5mm thick boards can be used

              Paint Eco, natural plant based paint.

              Paint Eco is a young paint company based in Latvia. I had the pleasure of speaking with Julija Simkovica, Paint Eco's General Manager at EcoBuild this year in London. Talking to Julija, I got a very warm feeling that they where a great company who really cared about the environment, and where not just  jumping